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Welcome to King Kebab’s online food ordering website, where you can enjoy the convenience of ordering online. Take your time to browse our web menu and put an order for delivery or collection.

Got a late-night craving for a tasty dinnertime treat? What better than a freshly baked Italian pizza to satisfy the heartiest of hunger pangs!? Grab your phone and type ‘The best pizza delivery near me in Kintore’. Our website is sure to be at the top of the Google search result list. Tap on it and there’s a pizza at your doorstep just waiting for you to lift the lid on it!

The set menu at our takeaway restaurant gives you plenty of mouthwatering meals, which are all prepared with the finest local ingredients. Don't miss out. Add a delicious touch of King Kebab to your next night out.

Our traditional Turkish Kebabs are such delicious treats. They range from sizzling doner kebabs to succulent Iskandar kebabs. These beautiful, varied, spiced beauties come in all shapes and sizes. Order one to experience the irresistibly juicy kebabs of your dreams!

A great selection of good Burgers, homemade wraps, Calzone pizzas and many more are also available.

Feel free to call us at 01467268110 and order over the phone.

Thank you for visiting our website. Keep up with us on social media.